Hello everyone. I'm making this thread so that the next time the TNT: Devilution guys make a thread that it doesn't get bombarded with questions as to what & where Convilution is.
Current Map Order
episode 1
Map01: Unsolved Requiem - EmZee712 & Kyka - Rejected from Devilution
Map02: Brimstone Labs - Alter & Jaws In Space - Rejected from Devilution
Map03: Midnight - Olympus & Kyka - Rejected from Revilution
Map04: Graytech Harrow - Kyka - Rejected from Revilution
Map05: Crud Refinery - xenonemesis & Kyka - Rejected from Revilution
Map06: Compute Err Stay Shun - Archi & Kyka - Rejected from Revilution
Map07: Military Complex - EmZee712 & Kyka - Rejected from Revilution
Map08: Decay - MrTheJoshMon & Kyka - Rejected from Revilution
Map09: Outpost - Whoo - Rejected from Devilution
Map10: Sand - Kyka - Rejected from Revilution
Map11: Beyond Redemption - The Mionic Donut - Rejected from Devilution
episode 2
Map12: Gray Zone - Alter, Kyka, & Jaws In Space - Rejected from Revilution
Map13: Alternate Reality - Alter & Jaws In Space - Rejected from Devilution
Map14: (Untitled 1) - SinCity2100 - Rejected from Devilution
Map15: Altered State - Alter - Rejected from Devilution
Map16: The Wings - 40oz & Kyka - Removed from Revilution
Map18: Hellmouth - Alter & Kyka - Rejected from Revilution
Map19: Chemical Center - Whoo - Rejected from Devilution
Map20: Sting Theory - Kyka & Alter - Rejected from Revilution
episode 3
Map21: Arenaphobia - Kyka & Olympus - Rejected from Revilution
Map22: Dreadmill - Kyka - Rejected from Revilution
Map23: (Unknown 2) - SinCity2100 - Rejected from Devilution
Map24: The Red - SinCity2100 - Rejected from Revilution
Map25: Styx And Stones - The Mionic Donut - Rejected from Devilution
Map26: Mt. Sterquilinus - Alter - Rejected from Devilution
Map27: Abysmal Oubliette - Kyka - Rejected from Revilution
Map28: Path Of Sacrifice - Alter - Rejected from Devilution
Map29: Twilight - Kyka - Rejected from Revilution
Map30: Last Rites - Whoo & TheMionicDonut - Rejected from Devilution
Map31: Dawn of Fear - NeedHealth & Jaws In Space - Rejected from Revilution
Map32: Hostile Hotel - Velcrosasquatch - Rejected from Revilution
maps for the bonus episode
-Despair - Zap610 - Rejected from Devilution
-Checkout - Joe Ilya - Rejected from Revilution
-Wrong Way - Wereknight - Rejected from Revilution
Maps that will not appear in this project in any way, shape, or form
Revilution Rejects
-Miasma - Cannonball - Rejected from Revilution by Eris Falling - Author used map in Sparta 2: Project Vesuvius as Map04
-Sinuous - Soundblock - Rejected from Revilution by Eris Falling - Author used map in ECHELON Map22
-Pitchfork - Soundblock - Rejected from Revilution by Eris Falling - Author used map in Final Doom the Way ID Did
-The Divide - Soundblock - Rejected from Revilution by Eris Falling - Author used map in Perdition's Gate Resurgence Map06
-Europa - Jaws In Space - Rejected from Revilution by Jaws In Space - Author used map in (secret project)
-Lithosphere - Melon & Jaws In Space - Rejected from Revilution by Jaws In Space - Author used map in Bloody Rust 3 as Map04
Devilution Rejects
-Draco Bastion - Marcaek - Not included in TNT Forever upon author request - Map remains unreleased
-Defragmentation Continuum - PCorf - Removed from Devilution upon author request - Author used map in Doomed Space Wars as Map 11
-Kuiper Cliff - Marcaek - Not included in TNT Forever upon author request - Map remains unreleased
-(Unnamed) - Joe Ilya - Not included in TNT Forever upon author request - Author used map in (Unknown)
-Steel Mill - Joshy - Rejected from Devilution by Marcaek - Author used map in (Plutonia 3)
-Unearthed Temple - Pinchy - Rejected from Devilution by Alter - Map remains unreleased
What is TNT Forever?
TNT Forever is going to be a compilation of most, not all, of the maps rejected from both TNT sequel projects Revilution & Devilution.
Why isn't this project called Convilution anymore?
Convilution was essentially a joke name so I'm changing it to something more fitting of the project. There are going to be quite a number of huge maps in this project, so Forever is in reference to another Team TNT project that had a lot of huge maps, Eternal Doom.
Hey I made a map for Revilution or Devilution that was rejected, but I don't see it on your list! >:(
I might not know about it, make sure & tell me about it here in the thread.
Can I map for this?
No there are well over 32 reject maps as it is, so I'm already going to have to decide what to leave on the cutting room floor.
When will this be released?
I'm going to wait at least half a year after the release of Devilution before releasing this. That will give people plenty of time to check out that project before another TNT megawad get released.
Edited by Jaws In Space