No Man's Sky Omega: 7 Best S-Class Sentinel Ship Locations | Eissentam (2025)

in Location

Only the best Sentinel ships out there!

byJon Suanupdated 1 Comment

There are a lot of different ships that you can find in No Man’s Sky and with the Omega update there are a lot more added! If you’re looking for some great S-class Sentinel Ships, then it’ll be a lot easier if you know where to find them!

Contrary to popular belief, you can just go to a location where a ship spawns instead of manually looking for them using signals. So, if you know what portal glyphs to use and what the coordinates are you can easily get to these ships.

In this guide, we’ll show you where to find 7 of the best Sentinel Ships in the game, we’ll also make sure they’re all S-class!

7 Best S-Class Sentinel Ship Locations | Eissentam

If you want some great ships that have little to no repair job needed on their modules, then Sentinel Ships are for you. You can find Sentinel Ships randomly on the surface of planets but if you know the coordinates and the planet to look for, you can just go to them.

SIDE NOTE: The new update has added expeditions to the game so here’s a guide on how to use the new Expeditions Terminal if you haven’t tried it yet!

Here are some of the best S-class Sentinel ships in the Eissentam Galaxy. You’ll need to use the Portal to get to these planets but don’t worry, we’ll show the glyphs you’ll need to input!

Sentinel Ship #1

Stats without Upgrades:

  • Damage Potential – 410.9
  • Shield Strength – 197.7
  • Hyperdrive Range – 650.5
  • Maneuverability – 443.8

The first ship on the list, it’s a blue and black colored X-wing type sentinel ship. It with 4 Supercharged slots, sadly they’re spread apart. Still, if you like the color and look of this ship then this one is for you.

No Man's Sky Omega: 7 Best S-Class Sentinel Ship Locations | Eissentam (2)

Coordinates – +48.25 / -118.21

Portal Glyph:

No Man's Sky Omega: 7 Best S-Class Sentinel Ship Locations | Eissentam (3)

Sentinel Ship #2

Stats without Upgrades:

  • Damage Potential – 361.7
  • Shield Strength – 197.7
  • Hyperdrive Range – 657.6
  • Maneuverability – 457.1

This next Sentinel ship is a white and black colored one that has a lot of thrusters at the back. The thrusters are just for show but if you like the look of it then this is a great pick.

No Man's Sky Omega: 7 Best S-Class Sentinel Ship Locations | Eissentam (4)

Coordinates – +40.86 / +108.38

Portal Glyph:

No Man's Sky Omega: 7 Best S-Class Sentinel Ship Locations | Eissentam (5)

Sentinel Ship #3

Stats without Upgrades:

  • Damage Potential – 350.0
  • Shield Strength – 197.7
  • Hyperdrive Range – 645.6
  • Maneuverability – 483.7

By far the coolest wing design on the list it has all of its thrusters in the center and the wings flank around it. The overall shape of this ship is a V and it looks like a speed demon! It has 4 supercharged slots with 2 next to each other.

No Man's Sky Omega: 7 Best S-Class Sentinel Ship Locations | Eissentam (6)

Coordinates – +3.99 / +63.65

Portal Glyph:

No Man's Sky Omega: 7 Best S-Class Sentinel Ship Locations | Eissentam (7)

Sentinel Ship #4

Stats without Upgrades:

  • Damage Potential – 299.5
  • Shield Strength – 197.7
  • Hyperdrive Range – 637.6
  • Maneuverability – 453.8

Now this ship looks like it can pack a punch with its bright red color motif. Gives off that strong vibe that it shouldn’t be messed around with. It has 3 supercharged slots connected with another one near the 3.

SIDE NOTE: We have a complete guide which covers everything you’ll need to know about the Omega Update of NMS! Make sure to check it out for more valuable info.

No Man's Sky Omega: 7 Best S-Class Sentinel Ship Locations | Eissentam (8)

Coordinates – +3.32 / -63.21

Portal Glyph:

No Man's Sky Omega: 7 Best S-Class Sentinel Ship Locations | Eissentam (9)

Sentinel Ship #5

Stats without Upgrades:

  • Damage Potential – 300.3
  • Shield Strength – 197.7
  • Hyperdrive Range – 654.5
  • Maneuverability – 453.8

For those who like the color blue, we have this ship right here that has 4 supercharged slots in total. The overall look of this ship is solid with some interesting engine placement at the back of the hull.

No Man's Sky Omega: 7 Best S-Class Sentinel Ship Locations | Eissentam (10)

Coordinates – -72.40 / +47.84

Portal Glyph:

No Man's Sky Omega: 7 Best S-Class Sentinel Ship Locations | Eissentam (11)

Sentinel Ship #6

Stats without Upgrades:

  • Damage Potential – 371.5
  • Shield Strength – 197.7
  • Hyperdrive Range – 660.6
  • Maneuverability – 454.6

This ship is another one that has a red motiff but this time it’s a bit smaller and more compact with a dark trim. Sadly this ship only has two supercharged slots but at least it’s connected!

No Man's Sky Omega: 7 Best S-Class Sentinel Ship Locations | Eissentam (12)

Coordinates – -13.55 / -169.42

Portal Glyph:

No Man's Sky Omega: 7 Best S-Class Sentinel Ship Locations | Eissentam (13)

Sentinel Ship #7

Stats without Upgrades:

  • Damage Potential – 410.2
  • Shield Strength – 197.7
  • Hyperdrive Range – 643.9
  • Maneuverability – 467.9

Lastly, we have this ship that looks more like a heavy fighter with dark green and red colors. It’s one of those ships that has a lot of thrusters behind it so if you like that then this one is for you.

This ship has 4 supercharged slots that are fairly close together but sadly aren’t connected.

No Man's Sky Omega: 7 Best S-Class Sentinel Ship Locations | Eissentam (14)

Coordinates – +40.86 / +108.38

Portal Glyph:

No Man's Sky Omega: 7 Best S-Class Sentinel Ship Locations | Eissentam (15)

Those are all of the best S-class Sentinel Ships and their locations in No Man’s Sky Omega update. Now, go out there and try to collect all of them! Now that you have some cool ships make sure to try out the new expeditions as well. Here are 10 things you should know about expeditions with the new update!

No Man's Sky Omega: 7 Best S-Class Sentinel Ship Locations | Eissentam (2025)


How to find new Sentinel ships? ›

How do I get Sentinel ships?
  1. Shoot at a space station. This will summon a sentinel spaceship who'll come to fight you.
  2. You have to defeat 5 waves (you'll see the 5 red stars escalate in your HUD with each wave)
  3. Final wave has a sentinel capital ship that you need to destroy. ...
  4. You'll get an 'echo locator'.
Jul 28, 2023

Where is the S-class starship in no man's sky? ›

Given the procedural nature of the game, there are no locations where a player is guaranteed to find one. S-class ships are more likely to spawn in 3-star systems such as those with descriptors like Opulent or Advanced. In order to determine the wealth of particular system, players will need to own an economy scanner.

Where to find a sentinel dreadnought in No Man's Sky? ›

Dreadnoughts only appear in space combat. Sometimes Sentinel Dreadnoughts won't appear even at tier-five wanted levels if you started off by shooting at the local station. This is probably a bug, but for this reason, it's best to find a Sentinel-infested planet and start your fight by shooting a drone.

How to find crashed Sentinel ships? ›

You can locate one by flying low over the planet's surface or using an Echo Locator that you can obtain by destroying Corrupted Sentinels. These camps will tell you where you can find a crashed Interceptor.

How to find a corrupted Sentinel ship? ›

You must land on a planet with the term Corrupted Sentinels in its description. Some planets have many Corrupted Sentinels, so you may encounter them upon landing. Alternatively, it might take some exploring to find them. You must look out for a purple glow to spot Corrupted Sentinels.

How to get sentinel ship skull and bones? ›

The blueprint for the Sentinel can be obtained from the Lanitra outpost to the Northwest of Saint-Anne, costing 1,080 Silver and requiring a Rover 1 Infamy level. To craft the Sentinel you will need Bronze Ingot x6, Iroko Plank x6, and Fine Jute x12.

What is the rarest ship in NMS? ›

1) Squid ships

You will see many ships in the entire galaxy, but there are certain types that are difficult to find, and none is more rare than the Squid-shaped ship. In fact, you can play the game for hours upon hours and still not come across one of these exotic spacecrafts.

Can you find an S class settlement in no man's sky? ›

Like many features in the game, settlements have a Class, which is defined by the Population, Productivity, Happiness and Maintenance of the settlement. It can range from C (very bad) to S (very good). Encountering a fresh A+ Class settlement is (very) unlikely, and the exact chances are unknown.

How to tell if a system is rich in No Man's Sky? ›

Summary. Economy Scanner is a starship technology and allows the player to check a star system's economy in the Galactic Map without having to warp to that system. Without it, the player would have to actually warp to the system to check its economy.

Can you destroy a sentinel freighter? ›

Once all turrets and starships are destroyed, you can easily destroy the freighter by just hovering in one spot and shooting at it. Another advanced strategy when engaging is to quickly boost a bit out of range of the Carrier's weapons and engage the fighters quickly.

How to find sentinel interceptor nms? ›


There are a variety of ways to locate a downed interceptor, including destroying a Sentinel capital ship; completing a bespoke story encounter; defeating new corrupted Sentinel planetary forces; and via mysterious new abandoned encampments.

Where can I find Sentinel outpost in NMS? ›

A Sentinel Pillar's location can be revealed via the following methods:
  1. Defeat all sentinels at wanted level 5.
  2. Destroying Sentinels has a chance to drop Salvaged Glass. Consuming them has a chance to give a Sentinel Boundary Map.
  3. Salvage Containers.
  4. Pure exploration.

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