There are new Sentinel items to obtain in No Man’s Skythanks to the Interceptor update. From a jetpack skin to Sentinel Interceptor ships, the new commodities give some insight into Sentinel technology and look cool, too. They all revolve around a new mineral calledAtlantideum, as well. Here’s how to find all Sentinel Items inNo Man’s Sky.
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How to Find All Sentinel Items in NMS
There are two types of NMS Sentinel technology that you can obtain in the Interceptor update: Sentinel Interceptors and Sentinel Multi-tools. Along with the new items is the jetpack cosmetic: Aeron Turbojet.
All items can be found on Corrupted Planets, which have the Corrupted Sentinel listing when they’re scanned and purple shards on their surfaces.
Once you locate a Corrupted Planet, head on down to the surface to begin your exploration.The process for getting these, though, is a bit of a grind.
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Step 1: Harvest Atlantideum and Mine Radiant Shards
Once you’ve landed, begin byharvesting Atlantideum and mining Radiant Shards,two important components for repairing Sentinel Multi-Tools and Interceptors.
- Atlantideum is a new resource found in the corruption. You can mine the smaller shards around the world and collect the resource from dropped canisters when defeating Corrupted Sentinels.
- Radiant Shardsare massive purple crystals that give off a slight charge and glow. Radiant Shards will always be the same size and not contain any parts of Sentinel Drones.
Step 2: Find an Echo Locator and Inverted Mirrors
While out harvesting corruption, be on the lookout for Dissonance Resonators and the new spider quadruped Corrupted Sentinel.
Each of these can drop an Echo Locator when killed. The Echo Locator is a random drop, so you may have to grind a bit to get it.Dissonance Resonators also drop Inverted Mirrors, which are needed to repair Sentinel items coming up.
Step 3: Find a Harmonic Camp and the Aeron Jetpack
Once you have the Echo Locator, activate it by using Resonate when hovering over it in your inventory. This will show you where the nearest Harmonic Camp is. Head to the camp, where you’ll discover:
- Harmonic Scrap
- A locked Multi-tool
- Collectible Scrap
- The Harmonic Camp Terminal
If this is the first Harmonic Camp you’ve visited in NMS, you’ll also see another terminal to the left of the main terminal, which holds the Aeron Jetpack customization.
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Step 4: Unlock the Harmonic Camp Terminal for the Multi-tool
To unlock the Harmonic Camp Terminal:
- Go through the dialog and selectScan Memory Registers, which will bring you to a screen with three math equations.
- Solve the problems to get three answers.
- Return to the main interface, and choose to end the lockdown.
- The next section requires you to input three glyphs.
- Select the glyphs that match your answers from the math equations, and the terminal will unlock.
Once the terminal is unlocked, go in to authorize ending lockdown on the Multi-Tool. This will kick you out of the terminal. However, reload it and selectLocate Dissonance Spikes.This will lead you directly to a downed Sentinel Interceptor (more on that below).
Step 5: Locate a Downed Sentinel Interceptor
Now you can check out the new No Man’s Sky Multi-tool, which varies in class from C to S. You’ll need to repair it to use it. Most Multi-tool repairs require Atlantideum, though some can also require Inverted Mirrors, Radiant Shards, Shattered Glass, or other resources.
Once you have collected your Multi-tool and all the scrap around the camp, head to the Dissonance Spike coordinates. You’ll notice another piece of Harmonic Scrap at the crash site, as well as the Interceptor. Interact with the ship to collect bits of debris, along with a Hyaline Brain.
To repair the ship, you’ll need:
- Radiant Shard x3
- Inverted Mirror x1
- Harmonic Brain x1
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If you don’t have any of the above materials, a quest segment for each will trigger in order.
For the Harmonic Brain, prodthe Hyaline Brain in your inventory. This will give you a location to explore where you can turn the Hyaline Brain into a Harmonic Brain, allowing a non-Sentinel to operate the ship.
Once you have the Harmonic Brain return to the salvage location to repair the Interceptor. As with the Multi-tools, Inceptors can range in class from C to S.
That’s how to find all the new Sentinel items in theNo Man’s Sky Interceptor update. There can be more than one Harmonic Camp on each planet, with more Multi-tools and locations for downed Sentinel Interceptors. For other help inNMS, check out our guides repository.
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