Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (2024)

September 21, 2019Guides,Wizard101

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Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (1)

What's the best gear for a max Storm wizard? If you're level 130, this is the guide for you! Not level 130 yet? Check out the Best Level 120+ Storm Gear. See all kinds of options for gear and test them out in your setup using the built-in Gear Calculator!

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Best Level 130+ Storm Hats

Hats have strayed from their original, balanced state into a more offensive piece of gear. Still, a hyper-aggressive PvP meta and increasingly powerful enemies mean that gear from Darkmoor and Exalted Krokopatra is still worth having. Here's a look at the best hats for Storm wizards. If you're hoping for a more aggressive setup, consider items under the "For Offense" category.

(1) Malistaire's Cowl of Flux
Drops from:
Malistaire the Undying

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (2)

(2) Krokopatra Malestrom Fez
Drops from:
Krokopatra (Exalted)

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (3)

(3) Stormy Paradox Conical*
Drops from:
Vigilant Sargun (+More)

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (4)

(4) Battle Mage's Helm of Furor
Drops from:
Malistaire (+More)

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (5)

For Balanced Stats: (1) Blackthunder Helm (2) Raging Blackwater's Helm (3) Dust Devil Helmet

For Offense: (1) Alphoi Charger Helm* (2) Cabalist Chaotic Hood (3) Crackling Zanadu Helm (4) Sky Captain's Turban (5) Odin's Helm

Other: (1) Imperious Alphoi Mantle (2) Halston's Eureka Hat (3) Time Warden Downpour Kavuk (4) Majoris Helm of Fortitude

*Stormy Paradox Conical and Alphoi Charger Helm have identical stats.
Click any boss name in the top items or item name for stats and additional information.

Select a Hat: Your stats automatically update in the calculator.


Malistaire's Cowl of Flux

Drops from: Malistaire the Undying

Storm is a rare instance where the Malistaire hat is almost unequivocally better than the Krokopatra hat. This is due in part to the seeming downgrades Storm has been getting on gear (compared to fire where more recent items are much more powerful because they've been getting an upgrade). Although the Stormy Paradox Conical adds 9% damage (and may be superior if you're looking for a more aggressive setup), the sacrifice of 10% resistance could hardly be justified in a number of situations and the additional piercing on this item has become more important than ever with enemies having additional resistance and access to shields, especially for Storm where shield removal is a challenge.


Krokopatra Maelstrom Fez

Drops from: Krokopatra (Exalted)

Krokopatra's hat is still one of the best options for level 130+ wizards who want as balanced and multi-purpose of a setup as possible. Farming requires giving up the opportunity to get any other Darkmoor gear, but for those who despise the Graveyard, this is not just a great alternative, it also may be a better hat for you anyway.


Stormy Paradox Conical

Drops from: Vigilant Sargun, Titan Trident's Chest

A well-balanced setup requires just that - balance. But sometimes the offensive capabilities of a hat are good enough that they warrant making an exception. Although this hat does not offer any resistance, its damage is 9-12% higher than the other top options. This hat can be farmed in a relatively easy dungeon that's currently a hot spot for farming. It's a great hat for hammers or anyone who doesn't mind losing some significant resistance for the extra damage.


Battle Mage's Helm of Furor

Drops from: Malistaire the Undying, Shane von Shane, Spirit of Darkmoor

So you're willing to do parts of Darkmoor, but maybe you don't want to farm the Graveyard. This could be the hat for you. If you're not into farming any of the major bosses for the top-tier gear, this is a good alternative.

Best Level 130+ Storm Robes

The recent shift to purely defensive stats on robes means that older robes are still in the spotlight, with a few notable exceptions making their way onto the list. Despite the potential for a balanced setup with defensive robes and offensive hats, the defensive robes are not only inferior in the offense department (obviously) but also often have worse defenses than the staple robes in so many setups. Here's a look at the best options for level 130 and up.

(1) Charged Light Brigade Armor
Drops from:
Corporal Tenni'syn

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (6)

(2) Malistaire's Cloak of Flux
Drops from:
Malistaire the Undying

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (7)

(3) Bonesmasher Robe of Sparks
Drops from:
Rattlebones (Exalted)

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (8)

(4) Battle Mage's Gear of Furor
Drops from:
Malistaire (+More)

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (9)

For Balanced Stats: (1) Blackthunder Armor (2) Winter Palace Full Dress Coat (3) Champion's Armor of Courage (4) Raging Blackwater Plate (5) Valiant Paladin's Armor

For Offense: (1) Thundering Paladin's Plate (2) Hades' Armor of Mortality

Other: (1) Armor of the Light Brigade (2) Turquoise Eagle's Raiment (3) Aztecosaur War-Shell (4) Bonesmasher's Rattled Robe

Click any boss name in the top items or item name for stats and additional information.

Select a Robe: Your stats automatically update in the calculator.


Charged Light Brigade Armor

Drops from: Corporal Tenni'syn

Farming Corporal Tenni'syn can be a challenge, especially if you're just teaming up. That said, if you're willing to complete this fight (and save yourself from Darkmoor), you'll end up with what I think is the best robe available. It has the most health of any of the top four options, solid power pip chance, ties for the best resistance of the four, has the best critical and damage, and gives 2% shadow pip chance.


Malistaire's Cloak of Flux

Drops from: Malistaire the Undying

This is a close call between Malistaire's robe and the Exalted Rattlebones robe. You could really go for either one. The Rattlebones robe isn't quite as good in the case of Storm, and this could be a superior choice if you need other Darkmoor gear anyway that you might get from farming the Graveyard.


Bonesmasher Robe of Sparks

Drops from: Rattlebones (Exalted)

This is a great choice if you aren't up for some of the tougher battles required to get Tenni'syn robe. Exalted Rattlebones isn't a particularly tough fight and it shouldn't be too hard to find people willing to run given that the challenge often provides worthwhile rewards. This robe isn't as good as Malistaire's in my opinion, but they're both great options.


Battle Mage's Gear of Furor

Drops from: Malistaire the Undying, Shane von Shane

If you've run the Graveyard a million times with no luck on your tier one robe, this is a fine alternative, though not quite as good as any of the top three robes. Still, the balanced stats from this gear remain to be a great option of a list of robes that hasn't changed much since the newer trend of defensive robe stats.

Best Level 130+ Storm Boots

Boots have continued to offer fairly balanced stats across the board, and as such, Darkmoor gear has been pushed completely out of the top four items. Now, you can go super aggressive with boots while maintaining defenses and other stats. Here's a look at the best boot options for your wizard.

(1) Stormy Paradox Boots*
Drops from:
Vigilant Sargun (+More)

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (10)

(2) Crackling Zanadu Boots
Drops from:
Admiral Dynt (+More)

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (11)

(3) Nimbari Justicar Greaves
Nimbari Hoard Pack

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (12)

(4) Crimson Pandamonium Boots
Drops from:
Pandamonium Hoard Pack

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (13)

For Balanced Stats: (1) Monarch's Footwear (2) Halston's Stormy Slippers (3) Ancient Purrzian Givehs (4) Silent Knight's Snowboots (5) Abyssal Warrior's Boots

For Offense: (1) Alphoi Charger Boots* (2) Imperious Alphoi Boots (3) Chaotic Cabal Stompers (4) Odin's Boots (5) Dashing Outlaw's Treaders

Other: (1) Dwarven Boots (2) Wysteria Warrior's Sollerets (3) Time Warden Downpour Galesh (4) Unicorn Paladin Sabatons (5) Majoris Shoes of Fortitude

*Stormy Paradox Boots and Alphoi Charger Boots have identical stats.
**Ancient Purrzian Galesh are an equivalent substitute for this item.
Click any boss name in the top items or item name for stats and additional information.

Select Boots: Your stats automatically update in the calculator.


Stormy Paradox Boots

Drops from: Vigilant Sargun, Titan's Trident Chest

These incredible boots have resistance equal to Malistaire's boots, but more damage and around 500 more health! It's amazing how far boots have come. The nice thing about these, outside of the fact that they drop at a fairly easy boss which everyone is teaming up for, is that you can craft an alternative. If you don't have much luck farming, you can craft the Alphoi Charger Boots with identical stats.


Crackling Zanadu Boots

Drops from: Admiral Dynt

These boots are a really close second to the Stormy Paradox Boots. If you pick these up during your travels or want to try somewhere new to farm, these could be the boots for you.


Nimbari Justicar Greaves

From: Nimbari Hoard Pack

These boots are a fantastic option for Storm wizards. They offer damage which is competitive with any of the other top boots and resistance that beats all the rest. It sacrifices power pip chance, which can be more important than people realize, but these are still great boots.


Crimson Pandamonium Boots

Drops from: Pandamonium Hoard Pack

The level 130+ version of these boots has great health and damage without sacrificing all of your power pip chance or resistance. There's also some critical included, making these a solid option particularly for offensive setups.

Best Level 130+ Storm Wands

The range of available wands has increased significantly with the introduction of new packs and bundles. Additionally, the stats that are valued on wands have changed, too. With critical and block decay, more balanced choices with critical and block that were once very powerful are now less desirable. Here are the best wand options for your wizard.

(1) Sky Captain's Boarding Hook
Drops from:
Sinbad Hoard Pack

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (14)

(2) Ione's Focused Sword
Crafted from:
Ignus Ferric

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (15)

(3) Nimbari Justicar Scimitar
Drops from:
Nimbari Hoard Pack

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (16)

(4) Odin's Gungnir
Drops from:
Gizzleheim Lore Pack

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (17)

For Balanced Stats: (1) Majoris Curio of Fortitude* (2) Fortune Teller's Eternal Gaze (3) Rapturerider's Skull (4) Poison Apple (5) Aquilan Velite Lance

For Offense: (1) Ione's Sword (2) Crimson Pandamonium Jian** (3) Allfather's Gungnir (4) All Souls Cranium Wand (5) Stormy Paradox Defenders***

For Critical: (1) Shard Warrior's Hammer (2) Jack Hallow's Wailer (3) Polarian Explorer's Pickaxe

Other: (1) Witch Hunter's Arbalest (2) Staff of the Dragon's Maw

*Titan Warrior Focus of Waves and Borealis Relic of Windswirls are close equivalents.
**Ebony Pandamonium Jian is an equivalent substitute for this item.
***Stormy Paradox Defenders and Alphoi Charger Glaive have identical stats.
Click any boss name in the top items or item name for stats and additional information.

Select a Wand: Your stats automatically update in the calculator.


Sky Captain's Boarding Hook

Drops from: Sinbad Hoard Pack

This weapon's incredible damage bonus in addition to piercing, impressive critical, and pip conversion bring it to the top of the charts. This is simply a great option for Storm wizards.


Ione's Focused Sword

rafted from: Ignus Ferric

Although sacrificing some critical, this weapon comes with piercing, which is a particularly good stat, especially lately with expanding boss resistances and increased shield use. Then there's the bonus energy and fishing luck built in. And let's not forget that this wand is crafted, which means you can avoid purchasing packs or farming tough bosses.


Nimbari Justicar Scimitar

Drops from: Nimbari Hoard Pack

While this weapon has no piercing, it still offers great damage and good critical plus pip conversion for Storm wizards and remains to be a solid choice.


Odin's Gungnir

Drops from: Grizzleheim Lore Pack

This wand offers good damage and critical with pip conversion, falling just slightly behind the Nimbari Justicar Scimitar. It's a fine replacement if you happen upon this instead, however.

Best Level 130+ Storm Athames

Not very many athames have become available in recent updates that are particularly good, but priorities with some stats have shifted. It's important for a good athame to have solid damage and enough power pip chance to keep your wizard getting power pips every round. More recent athames sacrifice both balanced stats and damage overall, but could be a good option if you're looking for a little more block in your setup.

(1) Dragon's Talon of Tumult
Drops from:
Yevgeny NightCreeper

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (18)

(2) Blade of the Shadow Palace
Drops from:

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (19)

(3) Blade of the Felled Titan
Drops from:

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (20)

(4) Aphrodite's Storm of Thorns
Drops from:
Aphrodite II

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (21)

For Balanced Stats: (1) Blackwater's Dirk of Havoc (2) King Alric's Royal Athame

For Offense: (1) Stormy Paradox Dagger* (2) Crackling Zanadu Dagger

*Stormy Paradox Dagger and Alphoi Charger Knife have identical stats.
Click any boss name in the top items or item name for stats and additional information.

Select an Athame: Your stats automatically update in the calculator.


Dragon's Talon of Tumult

Drops from: Yevgeny NightCreeper

The Darkmoor and Morganthe athames are still the best ones available in the game, and by quite a stretch compared to any newer athame. Either one works, but I find Yevgeny's to come out ahead of Morganthe's because its universal damage allows for more flexibility with types of attacks and the rests of its stats are either superior or comparable to Morganthe's athame.


Blade of the Shadow Palace

Drops from: Morganthe

If you don't pick up your athame from Darkmoor, Morganthe is a popular farming spot where you should absolutely be able to successfully team up and complete the fight in a reasonable about of time. Plus, Morganthe is a great place to pick up a few other accessories, too.


Blade of the Felled Titan

Drops from: Cronus

Venture into Tartarus for this athame! Cronus is kind of a fun side boss in the dungeon that doesn't require completing any other fights to battle. The Blade of the Felled Titan is an item that could be useful for multiple wizards and is available several levels before either the Darkmoor or Morganthe athame.


Aphrodite's Storm of Thorns

Drops from: Aphrodite II

Moving up on the list, this athame offers more of a stat which is in high demand in most builds today - damage. Unlike newer athames, Aphrodite's still offers power pip chance plus higher damage than any other athame.

Best Level 130+ Storm Amulets

Amulets have pretty much stayed exalted the same over the past couple of years. All of the recent amulets are mastery amulets, which means they're more specialized and don't offer as good of stats. While Amulets provided cards for quite a long time, the introduction of stats onto these gear pieces means you'll want to pick one that can help you stay competitive.

(1) Lady of Spiders' Lure
Drops from:

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (22)

(2) Amulet of Divine Influence
Drops from:
Hades the Unseen

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (23)

(3) Flygob's Medallion
Drops from:
Shane von Shane

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (24)

(4) Relic of the Fetid Lagoon
Drops from:
Malistaire (+More)

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (25)

Click any boss name in the top items or item name for stats and additional information.

Select an Amulet: Your stats automatically update in the calculator.


Lady of Spiders' Lure

Drops from: Morganthe

Morganthe is a great place to farm for accessories, and at level 130, it shouldn't be too difficult of a battle. The stats are competitive with or superior to the Amulet of Divine Influence and the Stormblade cards provided are something you can actually use.


Amulet of Divine Influence

Drops from: Hades the Unseen

If you're in Tartarus and farming for other gear, keep an eye out for the Amulet of Divine Influence. It's a worthy substitute for Morganthe's amulet and remains to be a pretty rare item.


Flygob's Medallion

Drops from: Shane von Shane

Note that this amulet only drops from Shane von Shane in the Upper Halls, so here's your chance to avoid farming the Graveyard! This amulet also has more piercing that any of the others, so if that's what you're after, this might be the choice for you.


Relic of the Fetid Lagoon

Drops from: Malistaire the Undying (See Others)

This amulet drops from a number of Darkmoor bosses, meaning you have a chance to get it in just about any dungeon that you farm. If you haven't picked up any of the other top amulets and you have this one from your travels through Darkmoor, it's still a good choice.

Best Level 130+ Storm Rings

Rings, like other accessories, haven't changed much. Newer rings offer some additional critical and damage options that are nice for aggressive setups, but lack power pip chance and even have less damage that many previous rings. In my book, giving up that sort of consistency for chance isn't a good choice, but the aggressive options and there nonetheless. Here's a look at the best rings for your wizard.

(1) Ring of the Chaotic Heart
Drops from:
Aphrodite II

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (26)

(2) Storm Owl's Terror Ring
Drops from:
Cipactli (+More)

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (27)

(3) Band of the Shadow Web
Drops from:

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (28)

(4) Alpha and Omega Ring
Drops from:
Gladiator Dimachaerus

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (29)

For Balanced Stats: (1) Ring of the Seeker (2) Deep Water Rising Ring (3) Umbra Torrential Seal (4) Tyrian Gorge Stone (5) Nightorb’s Ring of Havoc

For Offense: (1) Hagakure’s Monsoon Ring (2) Stormy Paradox Ring* (3) Crackling Zanadu Band (4) Cabal Ring of Disruption (5) Tetrus Ringlet of Tempests

*Stormy Paradox Ring and Alphoi Charger Ring have identical stats.
Click any boss name in the top items or item name for stats and additional information.

Select a Ring: Your stats automatically update in the calculator.


Ring of the Chaotic Heart

Drops from: Aphrodite II

This level 100+ ring remains to be the reigning champion of rings, even 30 levels later. While some newer rings offer critical, this one offers the best damage available for Storm wizards, solid stats overall, and good power pip chance. It can be a tougher place to farm than some of the other spots, but it could mean getting the best ring available for your wizard.


Storm Owl's Terror Ring

Drops from: Cipactli, Tartarus Bosses (See Others)

For level 86, this ring has fantastic stats and offers an additional jewel slot compared to the Alpha and Omega ring. Plus, it's dropped a lot more places, meaning you can change up your farming location if you get bored.


Band of the Shadow Web

Drops from: Morganthe

Morganthe is the accessory hot-spot, and this is one more thing you can cross off your list from a battle that's very manageable, even using Team Up! Despite a few points of damage sacrificed, its otherwise superior stats and additional jewel slot make it a great ring option.


Alpha and Omega Ring

Drops from: Gladiator Dimachaerus

You should still be able to find people farming for this ring. It's one of the earliest available on the list, requiring only level 90 and remaining to be a solid choice up through level 130. Like the number one choice from Aphrodite, this ring's damage is universal, meaning it could work well for a setup with a mastery amulet.

Best Level 130+ Storm Decks

Make no mistake, the single best thing you can get from a deck is the bonus pip that so many of the top-notch decks offer. Don't ever sacrifice that for a tiny increase in another stat. Every deck on this list (save for the damage deck) is a good option for your wizard, with minimal differences in stats. There is some difference in card capacity, but school-specific decks that can hold more cards are generally favored over universal decks.

(1) Stormy Paradox Deck
Drops from:

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (30)

(2) Crackling Zanadu Deck
Drops from:
Admiral Dynt (+More)

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (31)

(3) Luphilim's Howling Case
Drops from:
Omen Stribog

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (32)

(4) Rasputin's Hand of Tumult*
Drops from:

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (33)

For Balanced Stats: (1) Divine Paradox Deck (2) Hopeful Zanadu Deck (3) Luphilim's Eternal Deck (4) Chief Advisor's Pack of Lies**

For Damage: (1) Lightning Rider’s Deck

Other: (1) Patriote Thunderclap Cards (2) Patriote Deck of Victory

*Horizon Hold Deck of Icefog and Arcanum Exile Galeforce Set are equivalent substitutes for this item.
**Ancient Deck of Horizon Hold and Parcel of the Arcanum Exile are equivalent substitutes for this item.
Click any boss name in the top items or item name for stats and additional information.

Select a Deck: Your stats automatically update in the calculator.


Stormy Paradox Deck

Drops from: The Rat & Scorpion, Titan Trident's Chest

The Rat and Scorpion battle is a lot of fun and there are likely plenty of people still farming, so feel free to jump in on that and try for the best deck available for Storm wizards! Alternatively, you could snag it from the Titan's Trident Chest after the big battle.


Crackling Zanadu Deck

Drops from: Admiral Dynt (See Others)

If you're looking to change up your farming or avoid those Husk bosses, Admiral Dynt and some of the other bosses that drop this very close second deck are quite a bit easier and you'll lose almost nothing in terms of stats.


Luphilim's Howling Case

Drops from: Omen Stribog

If you still have your deck from Omen, there's really no need to farm one of the newer ones for the tiniest bit of extra health. If you don't and you have other items you're hoping to win from Omen, he might be the spot to farm!


Rasputin's Hand of Tumult

Drops from: Rasputin

The nice thing about this set of three decks is that it's the only one in the top four to offer you a choice of jewel slots. A lot of people prefer the triangle slot on a deck, so it has been used on the newer decks and is what's shown where there are options. Rasputin can be a tougher battle on this list (even compared to both him and the Scorpion in Empyrea) but you've got a chance to pick up all kinds of gear!

Best Level 130+ Storm Mounts

Mounts are a relatively new introduction to the world of best gear, as they haven't always given stats. Now, you can get at least a little bonus from your ride. Here are the best stat-boosting mounts available for your wizard.

(1) Storm Ghulture
Drops from:
Ghulture's Hoard Pack

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (34)

(2) Balance Ghulture*
Drops from:
Ghulture's Hoard Pack

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (35)

(3) Clockwork Courser**
Cuckoo Clock Gauntlet

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (36)

(4) Crystal Unicorn
Jewel Crafter's Bundle

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (37)

Other: (1) Roc (2) Desert Racer*** (3) Mammoth Mini

*Battle Havox and Battle Narwhal are equivalent substitutes for this item.
**Vulpine Avenger is an equivalent substitute for this item.
***Waddling Witch Hunt is an equivalent substitute for this item.
Click any boss name in the top items or item name for stats and additional information.

Select a Mount: Your stats automatically update in the calculator.


Storm Ghulture

Drops from: Ghulture's Hoard Pack

Wizards can improve on many of the other 2% damage mounts with this 3% damage Ghulture from the same pack!


Balance Ghulture

Drops from: Ghulture's Hoard Pack

This Ghulture gives 2% universal damage (and can be swapped out for several equivalent mounts including the Battle Havox and Battle Narwhal) and is a close second mount option.


Clockwork Courser

From: Cuckoo Clock Gauntlet

If you have either the Cuckoo Clock Gauntlet or the Avalon Outlaw's Bundle, you're in good shape for your 2% universal piercing bonus!


Crystal Unicorn

From: Jewel Crafter's Bundle

It never hurts to be a little more accurate. If you don't have any of the other mounts or could use a little bonus to push you up to 100% accuracy, this could be the mount option for you.

More About This Guide

Continuing from my level 120+ gear guides, these are dedicated exclusively to level 130+ wizards. For clarification, this guide is not intended to include items that a level 130 wizard cannot use, hence the title of the guide. It will be updated as I'm available with new items that fall into this level range. I encourage you to read more about the calculator including its features and limitations in the instructions post.

This guide seeks to offer the best overall gear options for a setup that works in the widest array of scenarios. Specific bosses, farming, and other specialized tasks may require different setups. This guide is also designed to develop a wizard who can operate competitively on their own, independent of any assistance or team. It does not assume you have any specific school or setup assisting you. The guide provides the best options overall as well as other options based on the type of setup you're trying to achieve. Note that on every item, either the item name or boss can be clicked to see stats and more details about that piece of gear.

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (38)Please note: Jewels are dropped separately from items. The bonus stats they provide are not included on the item pictured. Items come with empty jewel sockets and some must be unlocked. For more information, see the Jewels and Socketing Guide.


This guide is the result of long-term observation of the gear that's actually being used by wizards in the game as well as comparisons of other existing items. Thanks to Destiny Rain for stat and level verification on the Olympian Bundle gear. Many images here are the result of Wizard101 Central contributors and others. For full information on screenshots, follow the link on the item for credits within individual guides. Thank you!

What's your perfect gear setup?

Thanks for reading and see you in the Spiral!

Best Storm Gear (Level 130+) | Wizard101 (2024)
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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Name: Annamae Dooley

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Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.